Design Patterns
Gang of Four Design Patterns With World of Warcraft Examples
Gang of Four Design Patterns With World of Warcraft Examples
A native Android fragment that adds a custom gallery feature into your project. It can add, save, delete, preview, navigate photos and sends the file uri lis...
Microservices summarized. A fully working prototype is presented with the source code and documentation.
Dockerizing Python web project on a Posix host. Source and how-to included with a brief information on concepts.
School grading Python web application using Django. Source code, code documentation and live-demo included with brief information on Django structure.
An Itea concept demonstration for ECall I completed back in 2013. Connecting a car ECU with Arduino and sending information via Android device to 112.
Lightweight WebRTC Video softphone demonstration with standard libraries. Source code and documentation included.
Setting up Visual Studio Code for C++ Boost library.
Lightweight WebRTC Video softphone demonstration with standard libraries. Source code and documentation included.